Saturday, March 28, 2015

Math: Week 27

MSM2 Blocks 1/2 & 7/8
SOLs Covered:  SOL 7.12 & 8.14 Relations & Functions
Math Packet:  #20 Relations & Functions
Upcoming Assessments:  CCPS SGA#2 (County Post-test) (Wed. 4/1/15-Fri. 4/3/15)

7H Block 5/6
SOLs Covered:  SOL 8.7 Surface Area & Volume
Math Packet:  #19.1 Surface Area & Volume, Part 2: Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders & Cones,
Upcoming Assessments:  SA & Volume Test (Wed. 4/1/15);  CCPS SGA#2 (County Post-test) (Thurs. 4/2/15-Fri. 4/3/15)

So it's a little late, but here's our weekly update for math class!  Before getting into class happenings, I'd like to give the reminder that I'm still currently tapped for jury duty on Monday (3/30) and Tuesday (3/31).  As long as this doesn't change, there will be a substitute in class and I'd like to remind the kids to be on their best behavior.
 I don't miss often (haven't taken off in over three years!), but I hope I can depend on the students to do their best to be a positive representation.  Also, tutoring will obviously have to be canceled for Tuesday's set after school times and I've told the kids I've decided to cancel the Wednesday morning session as well so I can make sure things are ready to go once I'm able to return.  Students are reminded that they can still send me questions via Google Docs and/or Edmodo since I'll be able to access my accounts in the afternoons (no electronics allowed in the courthouse).  I'll be posting answer keys (scheduled to post at the end of each block) so students can check the work they're scheduled to do on the days I'm out.  I also encourage them to continue (or start) working on the final extra credit opportunity.  I'm double and triple checking the students progress on the available extra credit and that takes a bit of time, but since it's online I am able to include anything finished for this even when I'm not in school.

The MSM2 students began working on relations and functions, which isn't a completely new topic as we've done quite a bit of work with algebra so far this year, but we're using some new terminology.  Most of the kids have done well with the topic, but sadly failed on the follow through with the quiz on Friday.  After polling the kids once they'd finished, most didn't show any of their work, which turned out to be a big downfall.  As previously mentioned last week, the grades for this quiz as well as the packet will be going onto the grades for the final term, so kids have a chance to do corrections.  I strongly urge them to show ALL of their work!  They'll be continuing their practice for this topic at the beginning of next week with the substitute before taking the required county Student Growth Assessment (SGA) Post-Assessment later in the week.

The 7H students continued working on surface area and volume but started including work with pyramids and cones.  While the kids were a bit thrown by the fact that dealing with fractions is inevitable with both, they were better able to wrap their heads around it once we did a few problems together.  They continued working on their CK-12 Braingenie assignment as well and I've found that it is an excellent representation of what to expect from our style of SOL questions.  While they also had a quiz on Friday, online as usual, their grades were not automatic as there was a higher level question that is graded on a rubric.  I'm still in the process of going through those and hope to have them finished before I return next week.  They'll be working on the study guide in the meantime, which they'll be able to check via a key that will be posted to Edmodo so they'll be able to check them.

Well, it's getting late, so I'll end things here for now but as always, please feel free to email/message me if you have any questions!

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